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Enrollment and Registration Information

Greenforest-McCalep Christian Academic Center is open to all students regardless of religious affiliation (or lack thereof), race, and/or ethnic origin. However, we are not presently equipped to meet the needs of children who are mentally or emotionally impaired, nor those with severe learning disabilities and other special needs.

We actively seek to enroll students. New students may enroll during open enrollment periods. Current students desiring to continue their matriculation at GMCA MUST apply for re-admittance each year by completing a re-enrollment application and paying a re-enrollment fee.

A prospective student should meet the following criteria in order to be admitted or readmitted to Greenforest-McCalep Christian Academic Center:


  • Students should have a good academic school record as well as an acceptable record of psychological and social values (records containing expulsions substance abuse, or arrests must be further reviewed for probationary acceptance consideration).

  • Students and their parents/guardians must desire a superior education under-girded by strong Christian teaching.

  • New students must pass an in-house admissions assessment examination with a minimum score of 75%.

  • Students, along with their parents or legal guardians, should bring the following documents to register (Legal guardians will need to furnish guardianship papers processed through the probate court):

  • A current Georgia Immunization Form (Form 3231). Out of state immunization information needs to be taken to the DeKalb Health Department for transfer to the Georgia form.

  • An Eye, Ear, and Dental Form (Form 3300). Note: These forms are available from a local DeKalb County Health Department or from a private practitioner.


A copy of Official Birth Certificate
A copy of Legal Guardianship Documents (if applicable)
A copy of Legal Documents for name change (if applicable)

School Records, Transcripts, and Standardized Test Scores

  • It is the parent's responsibility to report allergic conditions and allergies to certain foods that may be served at breakfast, lunch, and snacks. The parent must record this information on the registration form, and must give separate written information regarding their child's allergy to the nurse and their child's teacher. It is the parent's responsibility to send or bring other food, if desired, on those occasions where food items being served cannot be eaten by their child. The school will not provide alternative meals.




Grades K3-K4:


September 1st is the age cutoff date for K3, K4, Kindergarten and first grade. A child must be 4, 5, or 6 years old by this date to qualify for admission. The application process is divided into three steps.  Please refer to the checklist for a detailed description of each of these steps. Appointments for interview (K4-4th) and assessment (K-4) will be scheduled when we receive your completed application and fee ($50 in house), parent questionnaire (K3-Kindergarten). You will receive a phone call or confirmation letter regarding test/assessment dates and times. For K3-K4 potential students please refer to the questionnaire. To continue with the online application please click here.


Grades Kindergarten-4th:


September 1st is the age cutoff date for K3, K4, Kindergarten and first grade. A child must be 4, 5, or 6 years old by this date to qualify for admission.The application process is divided into three steps.  Please refer to the checklist for a detailed description of each of these steps. Appointments for interview (K4-4th) and assessment (K-4) will be scheduled when we receive your completed application and fee ($50 in house), parent questionnaire (K3-Kindergarten). You will receive a phone call or confirmation letter regarding test/assessment dates and times. To continue with the online application please click here.


Grades 5th - 12th:


Please refer to the checklist for a detailed description of each of these steps.

To continue with the online application please click here.



School Year Pricing



must complete an application online 


The final step in the application process is the interview. The interview is not automatic but based on our review of all supporting application documents (i.e. grades, tests, etc.).

  • K3, K4, Kindergarten, and First grade applicants, along with at least one parent, will meet with our Lower School Director.

After review of the 2nd – 12th grade applicant’s file, a recommendation will be made on whether or not to extend an interview.


After a review of all supporting documents an acceptance letter will be mailed to students who we determine may profit from enrollment at Greenforest-McCalep Christian Academy.


The balance of the enrollment fee and Student Enrollment Contract must be submitted to enroll. Tuition payment options and billing account information is also set up during this time.


To request more information:

Contact the Business Office

Mon-Fri  7:30am - 3:30pm

(404) 486-6737

You can also request more information with this form:

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